Dopo la battaglia di Stalingrado, 1943
La distruzione di Stalingrado, 23 dicembre 1942
Un tank combatte vicino a Stalingrado 17 giugno 1942
Stalingrado, febbraio 1943
1 dicembre 1942
Ottobre 1942
7 gennaio 1943
immagini da :
GREGORI ZELMA nasce a Tashkent nel 1906, in Uzbekistan, nel ’21 si trasferisce a Mosca con la sua famiglia, inizia a dedicarsi alla fotografia. Tra il 1924 e il 1927 ritorna al suo paese, l’Uzbekistan, e in Afghanistan, in Iran e nell’Asia centrale in generale per documentare il cambiamento della cultura islamica sotto l’influenza del Socialismo Sovietico. Il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato sulla Pravda Vostoka. Nel 1927 fu ingaggiato dall’esercito con sede a Mosca.
Georgi Zelma nel suo studio nel 1931
Georgi Zelma (1906-1984)Born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 1906, Georgii Anatolevich Zelma moved to Moscow with his family in 1921, where he began taking pictures with an old 9 x 12 Kodak camera. His first experiences as a photographer took place at the Proletkino film studios and during theater repetitions for the magazine Teatr. He soon joined the Russfoto agency. From 1924 to 1927, he returned to his homeland as a correspondent for Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia in order to document Islamic culture being reformed by Soviet socialist reconstruction. This work was published in Pravda Vostoka. In 1927, Zelma was enlisted in the ranks of the Red Army, serving in Moscow. After the demobilization in 1929, he returned to Tashkent and worked briefly for the Uzbek cinema chronicles.
In Moscow, he entered the team of Soiuzfoto and received a Leica. Through the 1930s, he was sent on assignment to the mines and factories in the Donbass region, to Collective Farms in Tula province and to the Soviet Military maneuvers in the Black Sea region. He worked with Roman Karmen on the stories The USSR from the Air and Ten Years of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Iakutia, which were published in the propaganda magazine “USSR in Construction”. For this magazine he also collaborated with Max Alpert and Aleksandr Rodchenko. During World War II, he was a correspondent for Isvestiia stationed at the front-line campaigns in Moldova, Odessa, and Ukraine. His most memorable photographs are of the Battle of Stalingrad, where he spent the severe winter of 1942-43. After the war, Zelma worked for the magazine Ogonek and from 1962 for the Novosti press agency. He died in 1984.
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Quei morti stesi sulla strada accanto ad un carro armato dicono di più di tante parole.
Mi piace molto la foto di quell’uomo che sembra giocare con un grande nastro.