🕊️ Birds Pazy 🐦 @PazyBirds — 15.10 — 16 marzo 2023 — splendido ! grazie.


Secretarybird — L’uccello segretario


Photo by @lubirdus





Il segretario o uccello segretario ( Sagittarius serpentarius ) è un grande rapace prevalentemente terrestre . Endemico dell’Africa , si trova solitamente nelle praterie aperte e nella savana della regione sub-sahariana.








The Secretary Bird Is So Gorgeous, It Could Easily Become A Character In A Pixar Movie | Bored Panda




Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius




Secretary Bird taking off from its nest” | Smithsonian Photo Contest | Smithsonian Magazine




Courtship display of the Secretarybird – Bird Ecology Study Group


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1 risposta a 🕊️ Birds Pazy 🐦 @PazyBirds — 15.10 — 16 marzo 2023 — splendido ! grazie.

  1. DONATELLA scrive:

    Che tipetti!

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